Metropolis - Sustainability Lab at Neo Con

June 01, 2022
2022 0601 Metropolis Sustainability Lab Neo Con

Join Avinash Rajagopal, Edi­tor of Metrop­o­lis Mag­a­zine for a dis­cus­sion with indus­try lead­ers on how they are design­ing for Cli­mate, Health, and Equi­ty, and how design can have a pos­i­tive impact on peo­ple and the planet. ⁠

Car­ol Ross Bar­ney, Design Prin­ci­pal and Founder, Ross Bar­ney Archi­tects ⁠
Elma Milanovic, Asso­ciate, Perkins East­man⁠
Lisa Adams, Prin­ci­pal, Direc­tor of Cit­i­zen HKS & Sus­tain­able Design Leader⁠

Time: 2 PM CT on Mon­day, June 13. ⁠
Place: Sus­tain­abil­i­ty Lab, locat­ed on the 3rd floor, suite 380 of the Mer­chan­dise Mart (for­mer Tar­kett space)

Click here to register.
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