Metropolis Magazine 2021 Planet Positive Awards

November 04, 2021
Planet Positive Awards 2021

As McDonald’s Cor­po­ra­tion accel­er­ates its com­mit­ment to reach Net Zero Emis­sions by 2050, we are pleased to announce that Metrop­o­lis Mag­a­zine has award­ed the inau­gur­al, Plan­et Pos­i­tive Award’s top hon­or to the McDonald’s Chica­go Flag­ship restaurant. 

The Plan­et Pos­i­tive Awards seek to hon­or those projects that embody a holis­tic effort to do good in the world through sus­tain­able actions. 150 appli­ca­tions from projects around the globe includ­ed plan­et affirm­ing design. Using Cross Lam­i­nat­ed Tim­ber and solar pan­els, the ground­break­ing, LEED Plat­inum McDonald’s Chica­go Flag­ship excelled in the cri­te­ria for ener­gy per­for­mance and gen­er­a­tion of renew­able ener­gy on site. This learn­ing lab with­in the hos­pi­tal­i­ty indus­try, pro­vides an equi­table expe­ri­ence for patrons and puts sus­tain­able design, front and center. 

In addi­tion, the McDonald’s Glob­al Flag­ship at Walt Dis­ney World Resort gar­nered a Plan­et Pos­i­tive Award in the South Region as a new vision for a glob­al brand. This quick ser­vice restau­rant seeks to achieve Net Zero Ener­gy and uses a nar­ra­tive approach to teach patrons to be envi­ron­men­tal stewards.

Because McDonald’s serves and deliv­ers food to local com­mu­ni­ties around the world, they have an oppor­tu­ni­ty to use their unique assets — their restau­rants and sup­ply chain — to set an exam­ple of deep cor­po­rate respon­si­bil­i­ty and to inspire oth­er com­pa­nies and com­mu­ni­ties to do like­wise. Its deci­sion to com­mit to a net-zero future mat­ters because it will deliv­er results at scale and build momen­tum ahead of COP26 where we need more com­pa­nies, gov­ern­ments, and oth­er actors to do the same,” said Carter Roberts, Pres­i­dent and CEO of World Wildlife Fund (WWF). By lever­ag­ing the lat­est sci­ence in account­ing for agri­cul­tur­al emis­sions, this com­mit­ment paves a path for oth­er large food com­pa­nies to fol­low. No sin­gle com­pa­ny can solve the cli­mate cri­sis. But com­mit­ments like this that raise ambi­tion and push for­ward crit­i­cal areas of cli­mate sci­ence can cre­ate last­ing results.”

We are hum­bled to share this hon­or with McDonald’s for their deep com­mit­ment to build­ing sus­tain­ably. Pair­ing envi­ron­men­tal aspi­ra­tion, ener­gy per­for­mance and design excel­lence togeth­er is no small accom­plish­ment. Both the McDonald’s Chica­go Flag­ship and the Glob­al Flag­ship at Walt Dis­ney World Resort, takes these con­tra­dic­to­ry ideas and puts them in har­mo­ny” said Car­ol Ross Bar­ney, FAIA, Design Prin­ci­pal at Ross Bar­ney Architects. 

To view a full list of win­ners in all cat­e­gories, vis­it here.

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