Remembering the Oklahoma City Bombing

April 19, 2022
4 19 OKC

The dev­as­ta­tion that was wit­nessed on April 19, 1995 will nev­er leave the minds of Amer­i­cans. 168 peo­ple per­ished in the after­math of the bomb­ing of the Alfred P. Mur­rah Fed­er­al Build­ing and we remem­ber those lost to this act of terrorism.

When Ross Bar­ney Archi­tects was select­ed to design the new Okla­homa Fed­er­al Build­ing, we toured the site with the Gen­er­al Ser­vices Admin­is­tra­tion includ­ing the park­ing struc­ture under the Mur­rah Build­ing that sur­vived the blast. We were led by the GSA Prop­er­ty Man­ag­er who was in the build­ing the morn­ing of the blast and had sur­vived with griev­ous injuries. He took us to a pro­tect­ed and iso­lat­ed cor­ner of the garage. In a makeshift muse­um, he and oth­er sur­vivors had saved per­son­al items found in the rubble.

It was that moment, in that left­over place, that we under­stood that the new design was not only about pro­tec­tion, but the new Okla­homa Fed­er­al Build­ing while a state of the art defen­sive design, had to rekin­dle a sense of com­mu­ni­ty; of open and free gov­ern­ment for all peo­ple. The new design was about trust, remem­brance and above all healing.

Learn more about the Okla­homa City Nation­al Memo­r­i­al Muse­um here, the GSA here, and the new Okla­homa City Fed­er­al Build­ing here.

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